Friday, January 20, 2012

Illegal Immigration Means Not Legal

The United States of America has been under invasion for the past several decades.

Illegal immigration means not legal. Period.

When persons decide to either breach the borders of the U.S., or overstay work, visitation or education visas they are no longer in legal standing. They cannot cry foul, when caught. 

The U.S. Federal government has been derelict or duty by allowing our nation to be invaded. The first charge of the U.S. President is to protect the borders. Presidents have been remiss in this, and should be held legally accountable. 

State and Local governments and law enforcement who are actually enforcing what the laws on the books they can, or are putting into place reasonable new laws regarding illegal immigration, are my heroes. Here, here for them. Yes, they should turn in individuals and information for ICE and U.S. Border Patrol. 

I simply don't want to hear Latinos and Hispanics bemoaning this; if you're here legally, you have no problem. (And don't think you can hold rallies to cry foul; you're lucky our National Guard doesn't round you up, attach GPS tracking bracelets to you all on the spot, and deport you in due time. Note to U.S. Government: don't say you don't where to find the illegals; when they assemble in public rallies; they're right in front of you!...)

Listen, the last great waves of immigration required persons to have Sponsors, be healthy, not be criminals, and have work pre-arranged. Besides, during the immigrations of the late 19th and early 20th century, people truly wanted to become Americans. Not like many of the Latino and Hispanic "invaders" today, who don't actually want to become Americans and assimilate, but instead want to use and abuse America.

Illegal immigration of "fence-jumpers" or "port-crashers" isn't fair to those elsewhere in the world who've applied for U.S. citizenship, but must apply and wait their turn. America needs to have an orderly influx and know who is coming and going within our nation.

Those who want to come legally to America and make a better life for themselves, and the nation, are always welcomed, though.

Fixing U.S. Health Care is Easy, Actually. Duh.

Why can't most all health and medical related services and industries related to direct-care simply be required to be Non-Profit entities?

It seems to me that if an advanced society wants to have an overarching "altruistic" premise that all its citizens need to have even-handed access to medical care, then--by definition--that is a little dose of Socialism. Li'l bit.

So, if we accept that this small dose of Socialism within American Capitalistic society is for the greater good of all, then the Wall Street profit motive must be removed from the equation. Completely cut out.
Because to put forth a health care system that is not based on worker-output, but rather treats unforeseen health conditions, is wholly incompatible with the "ruthlessness" of Capitalism (which is simply do or die. Literally).

I'm not saying that practitioners and medical goods makers shouldn't make a good living nor a profit; they should. I'm saying that the distorted, built-in profit-motive of Publicly-listed health care companies needs to be surgically removed from Wall Street's uncaring ways, if American government is going to force all its citizens to buy a private product. Sooooo, therefore, simply designate everything connected directly and tangentially with health care as being Non-profit pursuits, and perhaps health care costs can return to homeostatis.